
tag time!

My new source of mischief and inspiration. pictures to come (of my own adventures :) )

You are totally welcome to come along and erm, join me. :)


Lesley Kerr said...

can you tell me how to get, how to get to sesame street?

Valerie said...

Yes! I talked to Amy, too, about coming over to quilt. I've been after her to start a quilting bee of sorts. Would you like to be "in" on the action? We wouldn't necessarily have to always sew together, but we could keep each other up updated via emails and the phone. We could choose a relatively easy pattern and go at it. Might be fun, and might keep us more connected. What's your schedule look like for the next couple weeks? What nights work better for you? My house is a mess, but my basement is organized, somewhat clean, and cool!